How to apply work permitted?
應備文件Required document
Application Form of Work Permit
2. 明志科技大學外國學生工作證申請同意書
Consent Form for Work Permit Application for MCUT International Students
3. 黏貼於申請書上的學生證影本需有教務處蓋註冊章
One copy of student ID card is required to be pasted on the application form. Please bring it to the Office of Academic Affairs first to get the registration stamp.
4. 有效護照之影本 One copy of passport
5. 外僑居留證之正反面影本 One copy of ARC
6. 繳交審查費之郵政劃撥單收據正本(每人新臺幣一百元整) 申請人可至郵局劃撥
The receipt of fee transferring from post office (the amount is NT$100). You may transfer the application fee in a post office.
Account Name: 勞動部勞動力發展署聘僱許可收費專戶
Account Number: 19058848