MCUT-NTUST Co-supervision and Double degree

update date : 2023-06-30
  • Q1:How many years is the period for receiving MCUT and NTUST co-supervision and double degree Scholarship?
    A1:According to the agreement between the two universities, the upper limit for admission is 3 years, and from the fourth year onwards, it is necessary to evaluate whether admission can be renewed based on academic performance and research performance.


  • Q2:Do MCUT-NTUST co-supervision and double degree students need to pay the tuition fees of the two schools? What is the amount of monthly scholarships that can be received each month?
    A1:Co-supervised students who do not have an official enrollment at Mingzhi University are not required to pay tuition fees to our university. During the scholarship period, they are exempt from paying fees to National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan Tech). The monthly stipend will be evaluated by the supervising professor based on the performance of each month, and only those who pass the evaluation are eligible to receive it. Co-supervised international doctoral students will receive a monthly stipend of NT$15,000 (the supervising professor must provide an additional subsidy of at least NT$3,000 per month). For dual-degree doctoral students, the monthly stipend is NT$25,000.


  • Q3:Can I extend the scholarship if it has exceeded the deadline for receiving it?
    A3:The advisor must provide a official documents of the student's performance status (including academic performance and completed research performance), along with relevant supporting documents (such as transcripts and research performance lists).


  • Q4:When does the monthly scholarship and stipend start to be issued, and how to calculate the starting date of receiving it?
    A4:Starting from the month students enter Taiwan, they will not be issued for months that have not yet arrived in Taiwan.


  • Q5:Which university does the student status of foreign doctoral students with co-supervision and double degree belong to?
    A5:Co- supervision foreign doctoral students only have the student status of NTUST, and double degree students have the student status of NTUST and MCUT at the same time.