
最後更新日期 : 2024-03-21
越南東亞大學(DongA University)於3/5(二)蒞臨參訪,由本校電子工程系越南籍黎玉線教授引薦,參訪本校綠色能源電磁研究中心、AI人工智慧暨資料學研究中心及洽談未來合作事宜,並邀請本校越南國際生分享3+2學程心得,積極討論並期待兩校未來合作發展。

Dong A University(UDA) from Vietnam visited our school on March 5th (Tuesday), recommended by Professor Tuyen Ngoc Le from our Department of Electronic Engineering. They visited our Green Energy Battery Research Center, Center for AI Artificial Intelligence & Data Science, and discussed future collaborations. Additionally, we invited Vietnamese international students from our school to share their school life in the 3+2 program. We look forward to future collaboration.