明志科大研究實習計畫 MCUT Research Internship Program
明志科大研究實習計畫 MCUT Research Internship Program
研究實習計畫介紹簡報(英) 報名表格 邀請函 校外住宿選項
1. 由本校姐妹校提供學生履歷、研究領域及預計來台時間予國際處。
2. 國際處提供學生資訊予研究中心並由研究中心指派指導教授。
3. 國際處協助報部教育部,並由研究中心開立邀請函(需由主任簽名並蓋研究中心章)。
4. 學生持邀請函至各駐外使館申請停留簽證。
- 學生需繳交教研材料費新台幣7,000元整,並自行負擔住宿費(國際處將協助安排宿舍相關事宜)。
- 國際處不接受學生自行申請,交流生需為姐妹校在學學生(學、碩、博皆可)。
- 依衛福部規定,來臺研習3個月以上且未滿6個月之外籍學生、僑生及港澳學生及來臺研習2個月以上且未滿6個月之大陸地區學生,抵台後須進行短期研修停 留健檢,並於來台兩周內,繳交體檢報告予國際處。
- 本校將協助安排中文課、在地文化體驗校外參訪等行程,並於學生來台前辦理線上行前說明會。
The MCUT Research Internship Program invites outstanding students from partner universities abroad to Taiwan for a short-term research internship (ranging from 3 to 6 months) at various university-level research centers at MCUT. This program aims to provide students with an in-depth understanding of MCUT's academic environment, with the goal of enhancing the university's research capabilities and increasing the number of international students.
Related Links:
- Introduction to the Research Internship Program (English)
- Application Form
- Invitation Letter
- MCUT Off Campus Accomodation Options
Application Process:
1. Partner universities should provide the student's resume, research field, and expected arrival time to the MCUT OIA.
2. MCUT OIAwill forward the student's information to the research centers, which will then assign a supervising professor.
3. MCUT OIA will assist in reporting to the Ministry of Education and the research centers will issue an invitation letter (signed by the director and stamped with the research center's seal).
4. Students must use the invitation letter to apply for a stay visa at their respective embassies.
Other Notes:
- Students are required to pay a research material fee of NT$7,000 and cover their own accommodation costs (the International Office will assist with dormitory arrangements).
- MCUT OIA does not accept direct applications from students; exchange students must be enrolled at a partner university (undergraduate, master's, or doctoral).
- According to the Ministry of Health and Welfare regulations, foreign students, overseas Chinese students, and students from Hong Kong and Macau who are coming for more than 3 months but less than 6 months, and mainland Chinese students coming for more than 2 months but less than 6 months, must undergo a short-term health check after arriving in Taiwan and submit the health report to the International Office within two weeks of arrival.
- MCUT OIA will arrange Chinese language classes, local cultural experiences, and off-campus visits. An online pre-departure briefing will be conducted before the students arrive in Taiwan.