

最後更新日期 : 2024-03-21
泰國湄州大學(Maejo University)由建築與環境設計學院3位教授帶領18位學生參訪本校,漫步校園及參觀校史室認識明志,接著由工設系謝國榮教授帶師生瞭解系所及實地參訪教室及設備,兩校系所簽署合作協議,期待未來之間的交流。

Maejo University(MJU) from Thailand, their 3 professors from the Falcuty of Architecture and Environmental Design(FAED), along with 18 students, visited our campus. They strolled through the campus, explored our history in the school hostory room. Then, Professor Kuo-Jung Hsieh from the Department of Industrial Design guided them to understand our department and conducted on-site visits to classrooms and facilities. Both schools signed a MoA, looking forward to exchanges between the two institutions in the future.